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Although safeguarding is everybody’s business and it’s true that we all have a responsibility to help safeguard children and adults at risk, the most effective way to ensure that the church is fulfilling its safeguarding responsibilities and following the safeguarding policy is to have a named SAFEGUARDING COORDINATOR.

We have prepared a leaflet I'M A CHURCH SAFEGUARDING COORDINATOR, what next...? to  help the local coordinator to understand their role and safeguarding responsibilities...

and there are some NEW TRAINING SESSIONS for Safeguarding Coordinators in 2024. Click the links below to book your place. The course will mainly focus on the coordinators role and look at policy and safer recruitment requirements, the DBS process and eligibility criteria. As this course does not focus on the signs and symptoms of abuse and how to respond, we advise that you also  complete the Social Care Wales online Group A e-learning course as well as a Level 1 or 2 Panel safeguarding course to equip you to deal with safeguarding matters locally.

Details of all of these courses can be found on the training page of the panel website. Or visit our TICKETSOURCE shop for a list of all currently available training.  (please note - all our training is free)

We received positive feedback from the  sessions we have held so far: 

  • Lots of relevant information, and clear, relevant ideas on how to move forward within the Church. Ideas put forward as small steps, so not overwhelming. Good to have resources signposted clearly. Good to put a face to a name, should we ever have need to contact on safeguarding issues.  
  • It was delilvered in a warm friendly manner. You were able to ask questions and also learn from people who have the same issues as our church. One of the best sessions I have attended
  • it was nice to interact with other church groups 

1/10/24 Tuesday  evening 6.30-9.00 pm  (English Language ZOOM) book here 

18/12/24 Thursday morning 9.30 -12.00 (Welsh  Language ZOOM) book here

21/1/25 Tuesday  evening 6.30-9.00 pm  (English Language ZOOM) book here 

7/4/25 Monday  evening 6.30-9.00 pm  (English Language ZOOM) book here 

(more dates to follow)   If you would like to attend a safeguarding coordinator course but the above dates are inconvenient or no dates are availabel  please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. registering interest for the next course. Please specify if you would prefer English or Welsh, daytime or evening. Thank you 

 All our training is based on the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Handbook which is the safeguarding policy for the Baptist Union of Wales, the Union of Welsh Independents and the Presbyterian Church of Wales

Remember the golden rule: NEVER BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP OR ADVICE  

If you have additional safeguarding roles or positions in your church such as safeguarding trustee or DBS coordinator, some of these elements may be carried out by others. There is a summary of these roles in the notes of the of the safeguarding policy statement


  1. Familiarise yourself with your safeguarding policy and guidance. Familiarise yourself with this website. It's full of useful information to help you to carry our your role.
  2. The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Handbook forms the safeguarding policy and procedures for churches from the Union of Welsh Independents, Baptist Union of Wales and the Presbyterian Church of Wales. It includes good practice guidelines on working with children and vulnerable adults including safer recruitment and DBS and outlines what to do if you have a concern about an individual or situation.
  3. Keep the safeguarding policy up to date and that ensure that all relevant people know about it and have access to it.
  4. Ensure that the policy statement is displayed and updated with relevant contact details.
  5. Make sure that safeguarding is on the agenda at church meetings but you should be supported in your role by the church leaders and trustees.


  1. Promote the safer recruitment process. Information about this is in Section 2 of the Handbook or online.
  2. Make sure that all relevant and eligible persons working with children and adults at risk have an up to date (4 yearly) DBS check.   See section 2 of the Handbook  for more details.
  3. You may be asked to act as the ID verifier for DBS checks.
  4. Make sure volunteers have attended safeguarding training. Sessions can be arranged/ booked here 
  5. Make sure volunteers have read and understood the safeguarding code of conduct. (appendix 2a in the Handbook)
  1. Seek advice when needed and liaise with the Panel office on DBS matters.


  1. Receive notifications of completed DBS checks from the Panel.
  2. Maintain confidential record of all volunteers working with children, young people and vulnerable adults noting dates of DBS checks and training attended and ensure renewals are completed.
  3. Make sure any safeguarding contracts are kept securely and monitored appropriately.

SAFEGUARDING CONCERNS AND ALLEGATIONS: see endnotes in the leaflet  for more details

  1. Receive and respond to concerns/ disclosures and allegations that are shared with you by an individual suffering abuse or by a third party.
  2. Make careful notes of conversations and/ or concerns.In an emergency, if there is a concern for a child or adults’ immediate safety out of hours or they are afraid to return home contact Social Services or Police.
  3. Contact the Panel Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible for advice and support and report all safeguarding matters to the Panel.
  4. Liaise with the panel safeguarding officer to make referrals to social services and cooperate with statutory services as necessary.
  5. DO NOT investigate any allegations or concerns. Seek advice.