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The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Handbook forms the safeguarding policy and procedures for churches from the Union of Welsh Independents, Baptist Union of Wales and the Presbyterian Church of Wales. It includes good practice guidelines on working with children and vulnerable adults and outlines what to do if you have a concern about an individual or situation. 

To view or download a copy of the complete 2022 handbook please click the picture or this link : Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Handbook  

Handbook eng 22 with spine

or follow the links below to go directly to  the individual sections.

Section 1  :including Our statement of Intent  and the Individual church policy statement  (NEW SECTION)                            
Section 2  :Safer recruitment and selection procedures (including DBS check information and flowcharts)( (NEW SECTION)  
Section 3 :Working with Children and Young People and how to respond to concerns (ORIGINAL)
Section 4: Working with Vulnerable Adults and how to respond to concerns  (ORIGINAL)
Section 5 Pastoral Care  (ORIGINAL) with slight amendment
Section 6 :Appendices  including 7 new appendices 1, 2 2a, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 ( see below for more info)
Section 7 : There are forms  that will help you to put the policies into practice and a new GDPR info sheet  

 Section 6 Appendices from the Handbook ( updated 2023)contains 7 brand new or updated appendices. here is the full list:

Appendix 1:  an updated contact list,(1)  (2022)

Appendix 2a: a new code of conduct based on our statement of intent (2a); (2022)

Appendix 2: Guidlelines and safe working practice example document. (2); (2014)

Appendix 3: Legislation  - updated March 2024 (2024)

Appendix 4:  a step by step guide to doing a risk asssessment,(4) (2022)

Appendix 5: Storage and retention of disclosures (2018)

Appendix 6: Recruiting Ex offenders (2018)

Appendix 7: information on charity trustees safeguarding responsibilities (7); (2022)

Appendix 8: new guidance on using and sharing images of children (8); (2022)

Appendix 9: some new definitions(9)  (2022)

Appendix 10:  a checklist and assessment tool to help you assess your church’s safeguarding situation(10) (2022)

Ongoing updates since the 2022 print of the Handbook 
March 2024 appendix 3 Legislation  - to include amedments to the Sexual oOffences 2003 Act 


 UPDATES 2022/2023 

By now all churches should have received their copy of the updates to add to the original file.

Click here for more details about the new sections.

 (We have some copies of the whole file if needed - but please reuse your existing file if possible to reduce waste and save resources). 


 Policy statement 

As a church we are fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of our members and those entrusted to our care.

This safeguarding policy statement along with the guidelines and procedures outlined in the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Handbook, forms our safeguarding policy and procedures.

We acknowledge that children, young people and adults can be the victims of abuse and neglect and we recognise our obligation to ensure their safety in the activities carried out in the name of this church. We aim to provide a caring environment and to respond sensitively and immediately to any concerns. Members of the church, paid staff and volunteers will show respect to others, promote the ethos of listening to children and vulnerable people and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the principles of the Christian church.

The church will care for children, young people and vulnerable adults and safeguard them by following good practices in relation to the following:

o Responding appropriately to concerns and allegations (Handbook Sections 3.2 and 4.2) In line with our policy and guidelines we undertake to respond immediately when a suspicion of abuse or any other concerns or allegations are drawn to our attention. We undertake to co-operate with the Local Authority or the Police if an investigation is launched.

o Safer Recruitment for workers and volunteers (Handbook Section 2) including DBS checks every 4 years for eligible workers, leaders and trustees.

o Training and supporting our workers and volunteers in their role and in the protection of children and vulnerable people.

o Promoting good working practices (Handbook Sections 3.1 and 4.1) and creating a safe environment.


Individual church safeguarding policy statement   

We are pleased to share this new individual church policy statement to enable you to clearly state your church’s commitment to safeguarding vulnerable groups. This is in line with best practice and a requirement of many insurance companies.
individual church policy
Up until now the policy statement was to be found at the beginning of both section 3 (children) and section 4 (adults) in the handbook.
We have now produced a separate document which will enable you to share and to display it more easily.
This will also be available in the new updates of the handbook which will be available from October 2022.
You can find the document here as a PDF or as a word document so you can add your own logo etc. 
 This document  includes important information on how to make sure you are putting your safeguarding policy into practice and details of the recommended safeguarding roles and responsibilities in the local church.
This Safeguarding policy Statement along with the guidelines and procedures outlined in the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Handbook , and any subsequent updates, forms your safeguarding policy and procedures.
Charity Trustees' Safeguarding responsibilities - Read this new information page. (this is appendix 7 in the  2022 handbook update) 
Click here to see the 2023 Safeguarding Poster that goes with the handbook. If you would like a copies of the A4 poster please contact our office
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 see also the new pocket sized card which takes you step by step through how to respond to a concern. download here or contact us for hard copies 


A general info leaflet is also available.2014  Click here or contact us for more details