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Scroll down for more details of:
How to apply for a DBS / DBS renewals and the update service / Who should do a dbs check / Convictions and cautions / Coming from abroad and DBS publications and guidance;
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check is one part of the Safer Recruitment Process. See also Section 2 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Handbook .
A DBS check is free for most volunteers (and there is a charge of £49.50 for ministers/ employees (this is a DBS not a Panel fee). 
IMPORTANT PRIVACY STATEMENT: In line with General Data Protection Regulations UK  (GDPR) we have produced  a Panel Privacy Statement (DBS Checks).  Explaining how we collect and use your information to carry out a Disclosure and Barring Service Check. We pass your forms on to the DBS to be processed and you can access their Privacy Statements below.
Each applicant must confirm that they have read and understood both the DBS privacy policy and Panel Privacy Statement (DBS Checks).  by ticking the box on either Jotform 1 for online applications or the verifiers form for paper applications. Thank you
We have three new fact sheets to help you to understand the DBS process better. Click the links below:
They include lots of hyperlinks which will take you to the relevant website or forms. 
You can complete your DBS application online or using a paper form  
Click the link above or here for a step by step guide which includes lots of links and infomation to help you through the process.   

Welsh language note here

A check should be repeated every 4 years. You will need to complete a new application unless you have registered with the update service 

Click the link above or here or read our information sheet for more details.

Complete this form and send it to our office along with your original certificate if you are registered with the update service

click to read our factsheet  which includes flow charts and policies to help you get to grips with DBS eligibility  



Many minor and old convictions and cautions have been filtered and will not appear on a DBS certificate after 11 years (5.5 years for convictions that occurred under 18 years old) and do not need to be disclosed. These filtering rules were updated in November 2020. Generally minor convictions are filtered after 11 years, but serious and violent offences (specified offences) and those leading to a prison sentence will never be filtered. See the New filtering rules for DBS certificates (from 28 November 2020 onwards)

See the Unlock disclosure calculator to work out if your conviction needs to be disclosed. (Unlock is an independent national charity that provides a voice and support for people with convictions)

See also  2.7 in the handbook 



A DBS check will only give information about an individual's time in the UK. If you have a vulnerable group worker / volunteer who has lived overseas you should follow the procedures noted in these links to get longer-term information about their criminal history. Please note: the individual often has to get this information before they leave their previous country.

Guidance on the application process for criminal records checks overseas



Please also look at the relevant pages in the DBS guidelines for Applicants for identity-checking rules and requirements for non-EEA workers and volunteers.

Note - employers are responsible for ensuring that new employees and volunteers are allowed to work in the UK 


All standard and enhanced DBS check applicants are required to read the relevant DBS privacy policy  here  

DBS Eligibility Guidance - General
DBS Eligibility Tool
DBS Eligibility Guidance - Standard Checks
DBS Eligibility Guidance - Enhanced Checks
Regulated Activity with Children
Regulated Activity with Adults
DBS Eligibility Guidance Leaflets
DBS Home-based positions Guidance

 click here to see the DBS guidelines for applicants including information if you have an unusual address

 Click here for more information about the rules regarding the filtering of old convictions and warnings

 Click here to see ID checking Guidelines and the current list of documents you will need to make your application

 click here to see the current list of DBS publications and updates

DBS Code of Practice  click here 

DBS Update Service  To read more about the service that can allow you to use your DBS certificate again please click here